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Heroes of Might and Magic Complete Addons Heroes 4. Equilibris (3.55)
Heroes 4: Equilibris (3.55)
Written by Evgeny Voronov   



Equilibris - this is mod for Heroes of Might and Magic 4, fixes some bugs of final version "Winds of War", fix balance, addition some useful options, and upgrades AI.

Official site (on domain



Final version 3.55 (RUS only) - 9,77 Мб (from year 2008).
with fixes and translation updates (RUS)


Version 3.51 - 3,76 Mb (from 12 October 2004).

Universal Installer (English, Russian and French versions).

Include correct uninstall (if you wish).

Attention! Answers for popular questions (RUS / ENG), TXT

Full list of changes, PDF-document, 77 Kb (ENG)


Addition files

You will need to download these files in self-extracting archives to install Equilibris or activate some of it's new features.

heroes4_sfx.exe - heroes4.exe file of Heroes 4: Winds of War. This file is compatible with any version of "WoW" and any language.

camp_ed_sfx.exe - campaign_editor.exe file of Heroes 4: Winds of War. This file is compatible with any version of "WoW" and any language.

updates_sfx.exe - This resource file is needed to install Equilibris on Standard unpatched Heroes without TGS or WoW

equi.aop - configuration file for Heroes 4 Camaign Editor version 3.51. This file will reconfigure your map editor layout to contain new sections and new adventure objects, grouped in a simple way. Place the file in the Data folder, overwriting the old one (which you may want to back up first). [Oct 12, 2004]





Mods developers

Dalai (Project manager, balance and gameplay),
Haze (balance and gameply, programming),
Plaguer (balance and gameplay, programming, mapmaking),
ZyZop (programming),
Lost (programming),
Kerhan (programming, graphics),
SirChuvac (mapmaking, balance and gameplay),
AnubiX (graphics designer, writer)
Astor (mapmaking),
Fosgen (mapmaking),
GreenLord (mapmaking),



SFDevil, Lord Haart, The_Teacher, LMD, ANL, Посторонним В.
...and all those people, who helped us with their comments and ideas,
who helps us with programming, graphics and music.


Last Updated on Friday, 12 June 2015 03:24

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