Might & Magic VI: The Chaos Conspiracy
The Chaos Conspiracy is a fantasy/adventure game that uses the original Might and Magic VI game engine and map world. The adventure takes place in the vast world of Nimradur; a land of diverse topology, realms, populations, myths, customs, and ‘creatures’. The central game plot is unique, unfolds in nine ‘chapters’, and is supported by a plethora of local challenges. In the Part 1 you will travel along the same world as original "Might and Magic 6" but then, in Part 2, you will find completly new world, crafted especially for TCC universe.
You will discover a legend about world creation, will know mysteries, will reveal conspiracy of mighty enemies and fight a Lord of Chaos himself.
Credits: Jeff, HodgePodge, The Maestro, Big Daddy Jim, special thanks to Oleg Lunin on early stages of the project Game testers: Zedd, LG, Klaravoyia, Sir BG Installation: 1) Original Might & Magic 6 required!. 2) Copy files from TCC_part1 folder into your MM6 game folder and replace original files. Now you can play Part 1. 3) Copy files from TCC_part2 пolder into your MM6 game folder, but not into sub-folders!. 4) Copy files inside folder IntoSAVES into you MM6 SAVES folder.
The_chaos_conspiracy_repack.exe (513,4 Mb - self-extractable archive 7zip)
Legendary Heroes
Legendary Heroes - addon for TCC game only. Addon change alot of graphics, replace faces and paperdolls. This addon will allow you to play TCC game and experience new atmosphere
Legendary Heroes v1.1.exe (6,1 Мb - self-extractable archive 7zip)
Watch patches from GreyFace, if you have any problems with this addon or original game (without it).